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“The weight of the past can be a heavy load to carry. Choose to pack only what lifts you towards your future.” – unknown

This past weekend, I had the privilege of leading a group of extraordinary women through a Vision Board workshop. It was a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and envisioning a future aligned with our deepest values and aspirations. One exercise, in particular, stood out and I feel compelled to share it with you

Imagine holding a suitcase, one that’s been with you for years. It’s heavy, overflowing with everything you’ve accumulated – limiting beliefs, past experiences, and old stories. This suitcase represents the emotional and mental baggage we often carry without realizing its weight.

Together, we embarked on a symbolic journey of unpacking this suitcase. Item by item, we examined what we’ve been carrying. We asked ourselves, “Does this serve my purpose? Does it align with my vision?” (Think Marie Kondo – does it support me and give me joy?) It was a process of letting go, of releasing what no longer served us. The relief and lightness felt with each discarded item were palpable.

But the exercise didn’t end there. We then turned our attention to what we wanted to add to our suitcases. This was about choosing what skills, people, experiences, and support we needed to fulfill our vision for the future. Each addition was intentional, aligning with our goals and dreams.

As we closed our suitcases, now lighter and filled only with what truly mattered, there was a sense of readiness and excitement. The contrast was remarkable – from the heavy, overstuffed suitcase to this lighter, purpose-filled one.

This exercise was more than just a metaphor; it was a powerful reminder of our ability to shape our journey. We have the power to decide what we carry with us. By letting go of what weighs us down and consciously choosing what lifts us up, we pave the way for a future that excites and empowers us.

As you read this, I invite you to reflect on your own suitcase. What are you carrying that no longer serves you? What would you like to add to support your vision? Remember, every item in your suitcase should be a stepping stone towards your most inspired life.

You deserve to live an inspired life!

If you need help in creating clarity for your next steps in life, schedule a complimentary Breakthrough Clarity call today.


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